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Posts tagged as “President Biden”

President Biden Is Getting His Comeuppance for His Politically Sinful ‘Soul of the Nation’ Speech

By drawing attention to himself and his failed policies just when the GOP was imploding over Trump, Biden risks snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the 2022 midterms.

Abraham Lincoln famously said: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

President Biden is fooling no one, except maybe himself. Consequently, he is getting what he deserves. He is getting his just deserts. He is getting his comeuppance.

How so? By taking the spotlight off of Trump and drawing attention to himself and his dismal record as president, Biden is paving the way for GOP Senate and House victories in November.

Biden’s Barren Political Soul. The site was Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 1, 2022. There, Biden pretended to deliver a statesman-like, non-partisan presidential address about the “soul of the nation” and the fate of American democracy.

In truth, Biden delivered a rankly partisan campaign speech designed to demonize his Republican opponents and motivate his Democratic base, while using young enlisted Marines as political campaign props. 

Biden may have motivated hardline “progressives,” but they are going to vote Democrat anyway, just as they did in 2020 when Biden kept a low profile, hid in his basement, and let Trump become the issue.

Not any more. An emboldened Biden has decided to become the Democratic point man who takes the fight to the Republicans.

Problem is: Biden’s slash-and-burn rhetorical attacks have drawn the righteous ire of Republicans and even the disapproval of liberal reporters and editorialists at CNN and the Washington Post.

Consequently, this time, Biden and the Dems may not sleepwalk their way to an easy victory as they did in 2020. This time, they may have to fight it out in the political arena and on substantive issues of public policy, not Trump’s noxious and repugnant personality.

But given the state of the economy, that’s easier said than done.

Dem Policy Disaster. Biden and the Dems’ wild and reckless spending schemes, coupled with their war on U.S. energy producers, have ignited the worst inflation in 40 years. Gas prices reached a record high before declining and a recession is looming.

China, meanwhile, threatens Taiwan; Russia is waging war on Ukraine; and Iran and North Korea are on the brink of deploying nuclear weapons.

Is it any surprise, then, that Biden’s approval rating is a mere 43 percent and has been mired in the low 40s for some time now?

GOP political strategist Karl Rove notes that “President Trump’s average at this same point in 2018 was 40.3%. Republicans lost 42 House seats that November.

“Does a roughly 2- [or 3]-point difference between Mr. Biden’s approval now and Mr. Trump’s then mean Democrats can turn defeat into a historic victory?” Rove asks. Color me—and Rove—skeptical.

The bottom line: by drawing attention to himself and his disastrous record as President, Biden may have sown the seeds of Democratic defeat come November. And for that, he has no one to blame but himself.

Feature photo credit: Biden delivering his “soul of the nation” speech Sept. 1, 2022, at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, courtesy of the New York Times.

Biden’s Meek Response Jeopardizes the Safety of Supreme Court Justices

To prevent a violent calamity, the President needs to demand that thuggish left-wing protesters stand down or be prosecuted.

If one or more of our Supreme Court Justices is attacked, injured, or God-forbid, assassinated, it will be because President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Congressional Democrats failed to forthrightly condemn, while sometimes implicitly encouraging, the thuggish behavior of “progressive” agitators, who have targeted the Court’s conservative justices for harassment and intimidation.

That may sound harsh and hyperbolic, but unfortunately—and alarmingly—it is true.

As we noted yesterday, far-left radicals have published the home addresses of six “extremist justices” whom they have placed in their political crosshairs. And Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have raised nary a peep of concern, let alone outrage and condemnation.

Meek Words. Oh, to be sure, after being criticized for not condemning the thuggish protesters, Biden finally and belatedly sent out his press secretary, Jen Paski, to issue a meek, pro forma call  for “peaceful protests.”

But as The Dispatch’s Stephens Hayes points out, this was a box-checking exercise— “putting out a statement to put out a statement.” Notably absent was a clear, full-throated denunciation of the agitators’ intimations of threats and violence.

And make no mistake: that’s what we’re dealing with. As National Review’s Rich Lowry observes:

These weren’t run-of-the-mill protests. No one doubts that demonstrations have an important role in showing popular support for, or passion around, a given cause. No, these protests were—and were meant to be—threatening.

There’s no reason to go to the homes of the justices unless it is to send the message that people outraged by their prospective decision know where they and their families live. In other words, to the justice who dares say that Roe and Casey have no constitutional basis: Beware.

“We hate to say this,” warns the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, “but some abortion fanatic could decide to commit an act of violence to stop a 5-4 ruling. It’s an awful thought, but we live in fanatical times.”

Political Violence. Indeed, and that’s what makes these threats so ominous and real: that, in recent years, we have seen venomous leftists violently assault Constitutional officeholders.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), for instance, was badly beaten up outside of his home in a wholly unprovoked, violent assault by an angry left-wing partisan. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana) suffered life-threatening injuries during a Congressional baseball game after a man with a pathological hatred of Republicans opened fire on him and other GOP lawmakers.

The Senate, consequently, has approved a measure that provides security for the families of all nine justices. “The risk is real,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told CBS News.

Yet instead of recognizing this risk and confronting this threat, Speaker Pelosi has championed the thuggish protesters for “channel[ing] their righteous anger into meaningful action: [by] planning to march and mobilize and make their voices heard.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who has hyperventilated incessantly about the “threat to our democracy” from the “January 6 insurrection.”

The January 6 riot was bad and President Trump should ave been been impeached and convicted because of it, but it was no insurrection, and our democracy was never in jeopardy.

The legitimacy of the Supreme Court, by contrast, is being viciously attacked and, as a result, the lives of several Supreme Court justices are now in jeopardy.

President Biden needs to step up and speak out before it’s too late—before some left-wing goon decides to take it upon himself to “save democracy” from five or six “extremist justices.”

Speaking out against these fascist agitators is the right thing to do—especially for a president who promised, in his Inaugural Address, to bring us together to “fight the common foes we face: anger, resentment, hatred, extremism, lawlessness, violence…

“I ask every American to join me in this cause,” Mr. Biden declared, because “we have learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile.”

Yes, it is. Which is why, at this particular moment in our nation’s history, we need presidential leadership: to help avert a violent calamity that would destroy the people’s faith in our institutions and rub raw the wounds of division.

Yet the President is missing in action. If Mr. Biden meant what he said in his Inaugural Address, then he will speak out now—clearly, forcefully, and with conviction—and insist that the thuggish left-wing agitators stand down or be prosecuted.

History is calling and the fate of our democracy is at stake.

Feature photo credit: Screenshot of radical agitators protesting outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, courtesy of a tweet from Douglas K. Blair.

Threats Against the Supreme Court Show Biden Democrats Are Hypocrites and Frauds

By Biden’s illogic, the assault on the Capitol was an assault on democracy, but the assault on the Supreme Court is the essence of democracy. 

Political hypocrisy is nothing new, but President Biden and Congressional Democrats have been especially two-faced, and on things that really matter, such as assaults on our political institutions and the integrity of our democracy.

Biden, of course, came into office promising to restore “unity.”

“We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors,” he piously intoned in his Inaugural Address. “We can treat each other with dignity and respect.

We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage.

True words these. Yet when, this past week, “progressive” Democrats launched a brazen assault on the Supreme Court for its apparent decision to overturn a false and fabricated Constitutional right to abortion, Biden was silent and accommodating of the political arsonists and assailants.

Here, bitterness, fury, and exhausting outrage are understandable and completely permissible. And, far from lowering the temperature, we instead should turn up the heat until our entire Constitutional order (or at least the judiciary) burns to the ground.

Targeting the Justices. Think I’m exaggerating? Think again. Angry, “progressive” agitators have published the home addresses of six “extremist justices” whom they have targeted for harassment.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has charged the Court with composing a “monstrous draft decision” that “assaults” the Constitution.

“We gotta be a menace to our enemies, and our enemies is anybody that’s attacking our reproductive freedom.,” declared one angry protester.

As a result of this incendiary rhetoric, notes the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, “a violent act by a fanatic can’t be ruled out… Federal law,” it adds, “makes it a crime to threaten federal judges, and that includes threats of vigilantism.”

But instead of calling for calm and understanding, the President has been solicitous of the “progressive” or radical left. “The president’s view,” explained White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document [aka the draft Supreme Court opinion].

We obviously want people’s privacy to be respected. We want people to protest peacefully if they want to protest. That is certainly what the president’s view would be.

January 6 Riot. Of course, President Trump, too, made the obligatory, pro forma nod to a “peaceful protest” January 6, 2021.

And of course, Mr. Biden and Congressional Democrats never called for understanding the passion, fear, and sadness of the January 6 protesters who instigated a riot on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

Instead, they have said ad nauseam that the January 6 riot—which, by their definition, includes the events that led up to January 6—was an “insurrection” that “threatened our democracy.”

In other words, the assault on the Capitol was an assault on democracy, but the assault on the Supreme Court is the essence of democracy. Heads we win; tails our political opponents lose.

Everybody’s equal but some are more equal than others. Some are worthy and some are, as Hillary Clinton infamously put it during the 2016 presidential campaign, “deplorable” and unworthy.

Feature photo credit: Screenshot of President Biden speaking to reporters, May 3, 2022, courtesy of CNBC.

Bucha Should Cause the West to Accelerate Its Military Efforts in Ukraine

A Ukrainian military victory, not Western legal action and a negotiated settlement, is what is needed now.

The gruesome images of mass graves and murder coming out of Bucha, Ukraine, have inspired calls for war criminal investigations and war crimes tribunals.

This is, obviously, necessary and appropriate. But what is conspicuously missing are calls for Russia’s military defeat and expulsion from Ukraine.

President Biden, for instance, called Putin a war criminal, who needs to stand trial; however, he did not call upon the West to redouble its efforts to ensure a Ukrainian victory on the battlefield. Instead, the President was silent and noncommittal about Western war aims in Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stolenberg, likewise, said that “targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime. All the facts must be established and all those responsible for these atrocities must be brought to justice.”

True, but how can justice be served if Putin wins the war? Russia, obviously, must be defeated first before any war crimes tribunals can be convened.

Yet, like President Biden, in the wake of Bucha, NATO had nothing to say about altering the military balance of power to ensure Putin’s defeat.

Unfortunately, this is part of a troubling pattern or trend. Since this conflict began in February, Mr .Biden and his counterparts in Western Europe have been more worried about provoking Putin than in ensuring a Ukrainian win.

Consequently, they have been slow-walking military aid and assistance to Ukraine, while denying Ukrainian requests for heavy military equipment: tanks, armored vehicles, artillery systems, anti-ship missiles, military aircraft, et al.

“The [Biden] administration is not moving quickly enough,” said Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, in an interview with Wall Street Journal Editorial Page Editor Paul Gigot.

There is more we can do to help [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky and put him in the strongest possible position going forward…

[But] the administration just continues to be guided by a fear of provoking Putin. That’s really what’s guided their efforts from the start. I think that’s why we’re somewhat behind the curve.

“The concern among Ukraine’s supporters on Capitol Hill and the Pentagon,” reports the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

is that the Biden Administration doesn’t want Ukraine to go on offense. It wants a negotiated settlement as soon as possible.

France and Germany, the doves in the NATO coalition, are in a similar place. They worry that if Russia suffers even greater losses, Mr. Putin might escalate again and perhaps in more dangerous ways that drag NATO directly into the war.

In a sense, Mr. Putin with his threats is defining the limits of U.S. assistance to Ukraine.

‘World War III’. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin sums up the conventional wisdom: “The bitter truth is that we will not risk a third world war to insist Russia fully retreat from all of Ukraine and purge itself of Putin.”

In truth, though, a wider war and a more dangerous conflagration—in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East—is more likely if Putin wins in Ukraine.

Dictators and bad actors—including China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, and Iran’s Ali Khamenei—will learn that the West can be rolled and that aggression pays.

An emboldened Putin, meanwhile, will continue to threaten nearby NATO countries, such as Poland and the Baltic states, but from a far stronger military position in Ukraine.

The bottom line: war crimes can be punished only after a war ends, and only after those responsible have been defeated on the battlefield.

Calling Putin a war criminal and insisting that he and his generals be tried in a war crimes tribunal is all well and good, but it mustn’t obscure the more immediate and pressing wartime exigency, which is to drive the Russians out of Ukraine.

Bucha should stiffen the spines of Western leaders to ensure that Ukraine wins and Russia loses. Punishing Putin and his generals for war crimes is no substitute for military victory and is impossible in any case without a military victory.

Feature photo credit: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, grief stricken after seeing the carnage caused by Russian war crimes in Bucha, courtesy of the New York Post.

Reaction to Biden’s ‘Regime Change’ Comment Is Wrongheaded

Biden never called for “regime change.” Instead, he acknowledged an obvious truth: that real peace in Ukraine and Eastern Europe necessitates a new Russian leader.

During his speech in Warsaw, Poland, yesterday, President Biden never called for “regime change” in Moscow.

Yet, this hasn’t stopped the peanut gallery, in the media and on Twitter, from insisting that he did. Nor has it stopped the critics from clucking over the President’s alleged gaffe.

“For America,” wailed AllahPundit,

it seems, the endgame isn’t an independent Ukraine but the decapitation of Russia’s government. The whole premise of the conflict, that NATO is a defensive alliance whose members pose no threat to Moscow, has been undermined.

Biden’s comment, agreed Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), “plays into the hands of the Russian propagandists and plays into the hands of Vladimir Putin.”

And this “may well make it harder to negotiate with Mr. Putin over Ukraine or anything else,” warned the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board.”

“At a time of war, with WMDs in the hands of our foe, this kind of gaffe—massively altering war aims in an aside—risks millions of lives. It’s a huge unforced error,” cried Andrew Sullivan.

But this outcry from the critics reflects a willful misreading of the President’s speech.

Moreover, it attributes to Russian leaders an inability to think and act rationally; and it presupposes that America and NATO ought to aim to accommodate Putin through a compromise agreement in Ukraine.

If, however, you believe, as I do, that the West ought to defeat and discredit Putin in Ukraine, then Biden’s comment is hardly a gaffe.

Instead, it is an explicit acknowledgement of a hard political truth: that Putin has no interest in peace; and that, therefore, a real peace in Ukraine and Eastern Europe necessitates a new Russian leader who respects international law and the territorial integrity of Russia’s neighbors.

‘Regime Change’. A peaceful Russia can be realized in myriad ways, but “regime change”—meaning a Western attempt to topple Putin from Power a la the 2003 Iraq War or the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan—which is, obviously, what “regime change” connotes—that has never been under consideration, and Putin knows it.

He knows this because again, Biden never called for “regime change.”

Here’s what the President actually said at the very end of a long speech on the need to defend NATO against Russian aggression while standing with Ukraine in its fight against Russia

For God’s sake, this man, [Putin], cannot remain in power.

When coupled with Biden’s oft-repeated insistence that American troops will never step foot in Ukraine, let alone Russia, and that America will not risk any sort of military confrontation with Russia, it becomes blindingly obvious that a Western military-forced “regime change” is not a policy option in the Biden administration.

Russian Realism. For this reason, as even the dovish Tom Nicholas admits:

So far, the Russians seem to have taken Biden’s remarks more calmly than the American media.

Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson who never misses a chance to castigate the United States said only that this was a question for the Russian people, and not for Biden.

The Russian people, of course, have no say in who rules them, but Peskov’s answer amounted to a shrug.

Ironically, albeit not surprisingly, Russian leaders are more sanguine and realistic than hyperbolic American commentators and politicians. They realize that of course America and NATO are opposed to Putin and would like to see him gone.

But they also realize that America and NATO have absolutely no intention of invading Russia; and that, regardless of what Western leaders think about Putin, the hard realities of nuclear deterrence still apply and constrain the behavior of Russia and the West.

In short, Biden was right to acknowledge that Russia needs a new political leader, and the critics are wrong to fault him for saying so.

The President’s “gaffe” was “undeniably morally true and the implications are inescapable anyway,” explains Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-New Jersey). “No president can have a normal relationship with Putin ever again,” he told the Washington Post.

Biden’s “gaffe,” obviously, won’t incite Putin to react wildly and irrationally. He still must contend with hard political and military realities.

However, by publicly calling out the Russian dictator, as he did in Warsaw, the American President may well have hastened the day when Putin is ousted from power, by Russians and from within Russia, and a new Russian leader takes the helm. Then and only then can a real peace ensue.

Feature photo credit: Screenshot of President Biden delivering an historic and consequential speech in Warsaw, Poland, March 26, 2022, courtesy of Sky News.